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Maximo Enterprise Asset Management for Life Sciences

EDI has delivered successful projects to four of the top fifteen pharmaceutical companies in the world. Our dedicated team of Life Sciences experts has more than 80 years of cumulative industry experience, including Engineering, Analysis, Regulatory Compliance, and Quality Control.

In the pharmaceutical industry, asset management takes on a double role. Not only must companies be capable of producing an effective product, but they must also be able to meet rigorous requirements imposed by regulatory agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Healthcare is one of the most rapidly evolving industries in the world. As new treatments, equipment, medications, and health-related discoveries crop up, regulations evolve as well in an attempt to ensure safe, ethical practices. In an industry where change is constant, company owners and managers are under strict obligation to remain ever-vigilant regarding regulatory updates.

These demands create a situation where Digital Asset Management must satisfy many functional and regulatory requirements to keep up and avoid the ramifications of failing to adapt. In most industries, an asset redesign to increase reliability would involve a simple engineering rework followed by implementation.

However, the EDI team understands that significant quality review requirements exist for every redesign that takes place regarding pharmaceutical asset management. The protocols involved often result in revalidation activities that can be more costly than the design itself.

To provide the most comprehensive solutions possible, EDI ensures that our Life Science experts are well-versed in the implementation of asset management in heavily regulated environments. Our proven implementation approach allows for a rapid go-live while meeting all regulatory requirements simultaneously.

EDI’s clinical engineering software simplifies the process of medical equipment asset tracking, medical device asset management, facility compliance, regulatory updates, safety protocols, machinery maintenance, product development, and much more.

In medical environments such as clinics and hospitals, EDI’s tools also ensure facility efficiency reaches its highest potential. Our solutions accomplish this through the monitoring and analysis of equipment and devices, tracking and organization of medical assets, upgrade planning, emergency procedures, capacity management, staff availability, inventory management, status of tools and machines, and hygiene requirements.

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