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Our History

EDI was incorporated in the State of Florida in 1999. Our goals then, as they are today, were to provide superior products  and professional services to our clients. Thanks to our clientsbusiness partners, and employees, EDI has experienced phenomenal growth since our incorporation. We thank each of our clients for their trust in allowing us to help their organizations thrive. EDI also extends gratitude to the various business partners who have worked with us through the years. We sincerely appreciate all the hard work that our employees have put forth to contribute to our clients’ success, as well as the success that EDI has experienced.

We attribute our success to several key factors. However, we acknowledge that customer service is by far the most important. EDI believes that your organization will gain the most value when we work together to improve business processes, implement best practices, and work with your user community to achieve overall change buy-in.

The entire EDI team upholds the highest standard of ethics in the treatment of our clients and believes we have honored that notion since our inception. Thank you for your continued business and trust in EDI.




1999: The Beginning

EDI was founded by Joseph Mahaz and James Flynn
to focus on Facility Management.


2000: First Maximo Implementation Completed

EDI completes first full Maximo Implementation
for Crane Naval Weapons Center.


2004: Continued Growth
EDI becomes a full MRO Channels Partner and software reseller.


2005: Next Phase – First EDI Software Developed
Develops first EDI software utility for Maximo that enables work requests for the masses, SuiteReq.


2006: Achieves Industry Recognition
Awarded MRO Business Partner of the Year.


2007: Next Steps – Expands Facility Offerings to Better Assist Clients
Becomes an Enhanced Support Provider Facility, and establishes a state-of-the-art Maximo Training Facility.


2008: Achieves Tivoli “AAA” Deployment Accreditation
Signs IBM Authorized L1/L2 Maximo Support Services Agreement,
and achieves Tivoli “AAA” Deployment Accreditation.


2009: Major Milestone for EDI Software
EDI’s software utility, SuiteReq, awarded “Ready for Tivoli” Designation,
and EDI earns Maintenance Best Practices Award.


2010: Wins IFMA Maintenance Best Practices Award
Delivers complex Maximo to Tivoli Storage on Demand Integration for IBM,
and wins the IFMA Maintenance Best Practices Award.


2011: Wins IFMA Maintenance Best Practices Award for Second Year
Signs IBM OEM Software Agreement Allowing Delivery of Maximo Industry Solutions, and wins IFMA Maintenance Best Practices Award for 2nd year.


2015: Initiates eSAM development and Launches Services Offerings
Initiates development project for EDI’s Strategic Asset Management (eSAM), a pre-configured fully-functional Maximo system delivering best practices, industry standards (ISO-55000) and greatly reducing the time-to-value.

EDI also starts Practice – EDI hires experienced experts to start up the practice and deliver quality services to the market.


2016: First Milestone Achieved in IoT Pilot Project 
The First IoT pilot project for a major North American airport is completed, improving customer satisfaction through condition-based maintenance of potable water cabinets, escalators & moving walkways, and baggage claim systems.

The Permit Automation project takes off, EDI partners with an airport to develop and deploy the automation of permit processes and approvals to manage and expedite that approval process.


2017: Partners with Major Airline for Early FASB 842 Adoption
Early FASB 842 Adoption – EDI partners with a major Airline to define, develop, and deploy the Real Estate Lease Accounting solution to achieve FASB 842 compliance, optimize the real estate and asset portfolio.


2018: Partners with NBA Team to Deploy Event & Reservation Mgmt. for Large Venues
With IBM’s Event & Reservation Mgmt. for Large Venues, an NBA team deploys event & reservation management solution to optimize event revenue, manage maintenance & operations, and track environmental consumption & waste for LEED certification


2019: Arora Engineers, Inc. Acquires Electronic Data, Inc. (EDI)
EDI is acquired by Arora Engineers, Inc., a multi-disciplinary MEP firm specializing in providing engineering services tailored for clients in aviation, transportation, education, government, and commercial sectors and has developed a unique understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing these critical industries.

EDI is also awarded a key partnership agreement with IBM to co-deliver critical expertise, providing sub-contracting services to provide enhanced support services, upgrades, migration to IBM SaaS, and application optimization services.