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Upcoming West Mountain Maximo User Group Webinar

Scott Yates, Chief Operating Officer at Electronic Data, Inc. (EDI), will be a guest speaker for the session “Kansas City Aviation Department’s Smooth Flight to the Cloud” on Wednesday, August 25th from 8:00–11:00 AM Mountain Time as part of the upcoming West Mountain Maximo User Group (MUG) Summer “Cloud” themed Webinar.
Moving to the cloud can appear to be a cumbersome and scary task. However, EDI’s consulting services and Projetech’s ‘Lift & Shift’ methodology provide a proven migration path to Projetech’s Maximo As a Service (MaaS) with very little effort from the customer. Kansas City Aviation Departments‘ (KCAD) recent migration into the Projetech cloud is a great example of how beneficial and easy the transition can be. In this presentation, we’ll share with you the business case for KCAD’s move to MaaS as well as walk you through the smooth and painless migration process so you know exactly what to plan for and expect.”
Event Date
Wednesday, August 25th from 8:00–11:00 AM Mountain Time (MT).
To register for this event, please click here.